Bancoco Foundation
Twenty years ago, I found myself deep in the Darien Rainforest of Panama where I met and stayed with an Embera tribe. The warmth, inclusion, and sentiment I received from people so different, compelled me to return one day. I made that promise to them and to myself.
As a token of appreciation for their hospitality, I brought back the videos and pictures I had captured of them. Unaware of their appearances as children and babies, I have spent the last 20 years creating a documentary recounting this unforgettable experience.
As of today, they lack proper clean drinking water, medical and dental care, sanitation, education, and transportation. The nearest town with modern-day facilities is 2 hours by boat. The people live without electricity. Consequently, there are no lights in their school.
While there are almost 350 people living in the village, there are no year-round or permanent healthcare workers. Some of the people have died of parasitic substances in the water, childbirth, and illnesses that people like you and I, would never fear dying from. But in this Embera village, life is very fragile.
In an effort to possibly save lives, I brought two water purification systems, providing the most basic need of all, SAFE DRINKING WATER,
I know if you had the opportunity to visit these beautiful, happy, loving people, your heart would be touched as mine was, and giving would not be a question.
Our immediate goals:
● Healthcare
● Dental Care
● Clean drinking water
● Education
● Solar energy
● Transportation
Some of the children wish to continue their education after the age of 15. This requires them to leave the village and continue their education where a school exists hours away. Many of them desire the advantage of higher education and then return to offer help to their families.
For the younger children, it is extremely worthwhile to give them the ability to be creative, draw, write, learn, and grow with the supplies we have provided.
Your tax-deductible donations will be directed to the individuals in need or the community as a whole. No gift is too small and since we qualify as a 501(c)(3) tax organization your gifts are tax-deductible
How to give: Paypal, Check, or Wire Transfer (contact us for banking details)
Send a check payable to:
Bancoco Foundation. Inc
2201 Collins Ave #1109
Miami Beach, Fl 33139